Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows comes in 3D!

Posted by Liaa Cariaga | Posted in | Posted on 4:16 AM

New reports have revealed that the final two installments of the Harry Potter saga would arrive in 3D. This was expected from Warner Bros, considering the earth shattering collections of James Cameron's Avatar, which made extra bucks due to its high 3D price.

However Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2 have been shot in 2D and would be converted to 3D before release. This goes for yet another movie as well, the Greek fantasy 'Clash of the Titans'. Recently the Toy Story movies were converted to 3D and released in theaters, though both the movies played for the price of one ticket. Avatar was shot using 3D cameras, and the Harry Potter films won't look as good as James Cameron's film in 3D due to digital manipulation in post production. The previous film, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was equipped with an intro in 3D.

Director David Yates stated that the first part is "going to feel very real" in comparison with the six previous Potter features. "We're going for a vérité approach. Being away from Hogwarts, they're like these three refugees on the run. They're out in the big bad world, facing real danger, unguarded by those wonderful benign wizards at Hogwarts. They don't have a home to go to. We're kind of pulling away from the magic a bit and bringing more reality to it."

And there's another interesting bit of news, Yates confirmed that Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry Potter will get naked for a scene. Remember the scene in the final book where the Horcrux locket causes Ron to imagine Hermione and Harry embracing and kissing? Harry will reportedly show a bit of skin in the very scene. "It's something intriguing and sensual for Rupert to react to, and Dan will be bare for that." Yates said.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I hits theaters on November 19, 2010 with Part II arriving on July 15, 2011.

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