Is Snape Good or Evil?

Posted by Liaa Cariaga | Posted in , | Posted on 4:20 AM

The Truth Behind Harry Potter Character Severus Snape: He Died by the Hands of Voldemort
Severus Snape dies in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. But, the truth behind his death is not what you might think. Severus Snape does not die because Voldemort feels he has betrayed him. He dies because Voldemort feels it will make him stronger. While Snape is dieing he asks Harry Potter to take his thoughts and read them. This is how we find out the truth behind this character.

The Truth Behind Harry Potter Character Severus Snape: He Was Very Close to Lily Evans

Severus Snape was very close to Lily Evans. The truth is that they met a few years before they were set to attend Hogwarts. Lily didn't even know she was a witch. Snape was the one to tell her what her powers meant. They quickly became friends and Lily defended him on many occasions.

The Truth Behind Harry Potter Character Severus Snape: He Loved Lily

Severus Snape felt that Lily was more than just a good friend. The truth is, he actually loved Lily. Lily was very special to him and he was very jealous of James Potter.

The Truth Behind Harry Potter Character Severus Snape: He Deeply Regretted Calling Lily a Mudblood

When James and his friends are being mean to Severus, Lily tried to defend and help him. He tells her he doesn't need her help and goes so far as to call her a mudblood. In his thoughts we see him coming to her and trying to apologize, but she refuses to listen.

The Truth Behind Harry Potter Character Severus Snape: He Tried to Protect Lily

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